get published in:
Save 10+ hours per week
The process of manually filtering and responding to hundreds of journalist requests per day takes hours.
Beat the competition to the top of journalists' inbox
Get notified immediately with new journalist requests. Respond in a flash with minimal editing.
Cut thousands $$$ of expenses per month
Paying an agency or team member off-shore often costs thousands per month.
An AI-copilot that writes like you
Go deeper than generic ChatGPT. HAMO's AI can pitch journalists with a much richer context about you.
Self-improving AI that gets better over time
AI that gets better with every pitch you send. Less editing required.
Granular control over your AI
Get direct access to your AI training data and master prompt.
How it works
3 steps to free PR and backlinks
Choose your topics
Choose all the topics you would like to be a source for
Train your AI co-pilot
Upload content to help your AI filter and respond to journalist requests
Send off your pitches!
Edit your AI-drafted pitches and send them off!